About Birth Trauma

Birth trauma, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is where a mother feels overwhelmingly frightened or under threat of death or injury to herself or her baby during birth. It can have long term effects on wellbeing and emotional health, family relationships and future childbearing decisions. As a certified Birth Trauma Resolution practitioner and midwife, Sarah Denning can offer fast, very effective treatment. It works by helping you to turn a trauma memory into a normal memory.

What does a Birth Trauma Resolution practitioner do?

  • Listening to your birth experience with empathy and kindness
  • Rebuilding your confidence in your family relationships and your parenting skills
  • Teaching you breathing techniques that will help you to relax and lessen feelings of anxiety and panic
  • Giving you a personalised guided relaxation to download
  • Helping you to neutralise any strong negative emotions associated with your birth experience, so that you can think about it without experiencing panic or fear

About Sarah

Sarah Denning Birth Trauma LondonSarah completed her midwifery degree in 2001 after having three children of her own, fulfilling a long-held ambition to become a midwife. Experienced in all areas of midwifery, working as an NHS midwife in the high risk maternity unit and on the labour ward until becoming the private midwife at The Birth Team, Sarah also runs private antenatal classes and created a private postnatal midwifery home service.

Sarah is passionate about midwifery and the importance of giving support, choice and confidence to families during pregnancy, birth and the first days at home with a new baby.


I went to see Sarah whilst pregnant with my second baby. I had a traumatic time after the birth of my first baby who became seriously unwell. I thought I had dealt with this until I was pregnant again, this took the lid off the box and I was suffering from PTSD. Sarah’s treatment of the rewind technique is absolutely amazing. It is relaxing, fast and effective, Sarah has been my saviour, so wonderful and caring. I am no longer suffering from PTSD and can now think of the traumatic birth as a past event that happened and i am not reliving it on a daily basis. I truly recommend anyone suffering from PTSD after a traumatic birth to go and see Sarah for this treatment, It is truly remarkable.


I had a traumatic experience with a termination of pregnancy for medical reasons (TFMR) which unbeknown to me had given me PTSD. Sarah helped me initially by giving what I was going through a name, up until this point I had no idea what was happening to me, other than feeling continually anxious, not in control and experiencing trigger events. Sarah was incredibly solutions focused and taught me a number of techniques to regain control. She also was able to explain so much about why I was feeling the way I did and that helped me with processing what had happened to me. I had never really been to someone like Sarah before and I honestly say that she has been instrumental in helping me to get some semblance of normality back in my life, and for that I will always be incredibly grateful for.

Natasha, London


How long does it take?

Treatment can be effective in as little as one or two treatments. Some people occasionally need more, but rarely more than four.

Who can be treated?

The treatment is good for mothers, fathers, birth companions, obstetricians and midwives.

How much does it cost?

Initial consultation and treatment £110, follow-up treatments £80 per session.

How do I get in touch?

For details please contact